The Next New Thing

A “new media” that does not exist yet, but should is an app that links people with realty properties. Instead of searching all other the places for a rental or a home to buy you would go to the app. The people renting or selling and the people looking to rent or buy would be vetted, and background/ credit checks would be on file. You would not have to pay for a million background/credit checks just so you could apply for a place. Buy signing up and paying some kind of fee the people selling or renting the places you are interested could access all the info they need to know about you in order to approve or deny your application.

Our Class Wiki – So Far

So far I have added more info to the future of video games page, and added a genre to the music page. I plan on adding more photos to those pages and a few others. I also plan on creating a page, but I am not sure what it will be about.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is people sharing software, music, etc with people they may or may not know over the internet.

P2P file sharing is the same people sharing files, but instead of them brokering the transaction they use networking software as a middleman. Instead of people talking to each other and asking if they have a certain file the peoples computers talk to each other through the P2P software.

One example of P2P file sharing is discussed in detail in Clive Thompson’s article The BitTorrent Effect. Other examples beside BitTorrent is Kazaa, Napster, BearShare, and LimeWire.

Privacy & Confidentiality

New media makes transmitting information easier, but it also makes accessing information easier as well.

Before new media it was much harder to find social security numbers and other sensitive information about new media. Because of new media pretty much everyone who has a social security number is on file in an online database somewhere. Now not only is it easy to get one social security number, but a person can find millions nicely placed in one spot.

New media has also made most people comfortable with sharing this information especially online. Information that was once thought of as confidential now zips back and forth thru emails, text messages, and photos. Companies even encourage consumers to store their credit card information with them, and most people don’t think twice about doing so.

While privacy & confidentiality really don’t exist anymore people can still protect themselves by being aware of what is going on with their accounts, checking their credit reports and reporting false information, and making sure that they are using secure websites.

Advice to the College

My advice to Brooklyn College about using new media:

  •  Consolidate websites
  •  Declarations & Overtallys should be digital
  •  Password updates should be optional

I understand that most of these problems are not Brooklyn Colleges fault and that most of these changes can not be made, because Brooklyn College is linked to the Cuny system.

In a perfect world I would not have to log into cuny portal to access blackboard, log into cuny first to enroll in school, log into webcentral to sign up for seminars, etc. I would like to be able to access everything I need from one website.

I can declare a major online, but I have to file paperwork to declare, or remove a minor. I also have to fill out paperwork and have the professor file it for overtallys. If we can sign up for class online we should also be able to do any class or program related changes online as well.

I hate having to update my password especially since it can not be any of the last four passwords I have used previously. I understand the security risks, and would much rather have the option of keeping my password the same.