The Most Important Test Of My Life

On Thursday I have a test in a class where the teacher doesn’t teach. From the information going around from the people in the Professor’s Monday class I’m going to need to study specific dates and names. In class the teacher mostly discusses our feelings about the book he wrote that he made mandatory reading; our classes are more a focus group for him than a learning experience for us. When he does go over the information from the text book he picks and chooses the parts he wants to discuss and omits the rest. He wasn’t sure if our test was going to be on chapters 1-4 or 1-5. After class he decided the test would be on chapters 1-5, because he felt we didn’t read chapter 5. He felt we didn’t read chapter 5, because we didn’t quickly answer the two questions he asked us about chapter 5.

Before the test I’m going to reread every chapter while writing down all of the dates, places, and names; hopefully this will ensure a passing grade. I really want to get a 90 or above. The test is multiple choice and True/False. As long as he doesn’t phrase the questions in an odd way I should be fine.

In other news a photo that I posted of my cat Bok Hee currently has 36 likes making it the new most liked photo on my instagram(the previous most liked photo was me & BSB GMA collage)

Adanne’s 2013 photos

 Here are some of my favorite photos that I took in 2013
(click the pix to view the full set)

Adanne’s 2012 in photos

Things that have been on my mind

I don’t want a sixth season of Jeresy Shore!
I want a season of Snooki and Pregnant!

One Direction should be known as One Depression, because their voices are great, but their album is weak. I expected them to be awesome since so many people lost their minds while they were staying in NYC, but now I’m sad about how bad their cd is.

Every time I register for AC&C orientation I either forget to go to the meeting, or it conflicts with other plans. It makes me wonder if I’m supposed to attend, or maybe I should be trying harder to attend.

I’m going to make more of an effort to make money in April!

I went to a dog wedding yesterday

I had never been to any animal wedding before. I found out about the wedding from a dog in Union Square last Thursday.

On the day of the wedding I didn’t really feel like going, but I needed wedding experience and who knows when I’ll be able to attend another animal wedding. The ceremony was sweet, quick, simple, and no one pooped. After the dog treats were exchanged cake for humans was served and gift bags were handed out. I hope Mr. Reese Kraft the Puggle & Ms. Zoe Lasorda the Chihuahua have a wonderful life together. Click the pic below for more wedding photos.